South park episode 201 megavideo
South park episode 201 megavideo

south park episode 201 megavideo

I have since moved my allegiance over to “ Family Guy,” a show I once resented because I considered it a show that was jumping on the bandwagon of South Park’s edginess and success. I no longer watch it or even care that much about it. Anyway, I have lost all respect for the show. However, when the DVD came out and I saw it too was censored, that’s when I got furious and made my now also banned video. That was my catharsis on dealing with this travesty. This led to another, then another, then another, and so on. In fact, before I restored the episode, I had created a” Mohammad Speaks” video, in defense of South Park. Maybe I was vicariously fighting Matt and Trey’s battle by restoring the episode. I think that’s why I got personally offended when the episode got censored. I bought every DVD of every season and cherished the cleverness of each episode as if I had created them myself. As a satirist and comedy filmmaker, my appreciation for the edginess of the show had no bounds. It was edgy and strong willed, and I had nothing but admiration for the show and its creators, Matt and Trey. Maybe they will learn that there was once a time when actual people died defending that freedom. Maybe some brave soul at Viacom will research history and learn that the very foundation of this country was founded on people fighting for their freedom of expression. Maybe one day the cowards who restricted this video in the first place and continually restrict this video will ultimately come to their senses and release the uncensored episode. And we understand that legally they have the right to do so (unlike terrorists, of course, who just use the threat of violence to get their way). And although we are never ones to buckle under the threat of religious zealots (as you know if you’re familiar with our Submissive Jesus Prayer Answering Talking Head toy or our 2009 comedy The God Complex), which is why we restored the video in the first place, we must buckle under the threat of a company whose lawyers have much bigger dicks than our lawyers. Naturally, we admit that they are completely within their rights to demand the video be taken down, as it is indeed derived from their property. Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at the following address: Warren Solow Viacom 1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036 v: (408) 217-5000 end of email. In complying with this notice, pirromount should not destroy or spoliate any evidence which may be relevant in a lawsuit relating to the infringement alleged herein, including the infringing videos and all associated electronic documents and data relating to their presence on, which shall be preserved while disabling public access, irrespective of any document retention or corporate policy to the contrary. In addition, this notice is without prejudice to the positions that you have an affirmative obligation to prevent or limit infringement of the Rights Owners’ exclusive rights without regard to receiving a specific takedown notice.

south park episode 201 megavideo

Nothing in this letter shall serve as a waiver of any rights or remedies of the Rights Owners with respect to the alleged infringement, all of which are expressly reserved. For email correspondence, please reference the above Notice ID in the subject line. Please respond indicating the actions you have taken to resolve this matter. Additionally I request that the removed link be replaced with the following language: “This video has been removed because of infringement.” I urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform me of the results of your actions. Here is an excerpt from it: I hereby request that you immediately remove or block access to the infringing material and ensure the user refrains from using or sharing with pirromount the Rights Owners’ materials in the future.

south park episode 201 megavideo

We recently received an email which was appropriately resting in our junk mail folder. We felt very strongly that when you censor art because somebody has an issue with it, whether it be terrorists or a Sunday school preacher, we devolve back to an era where burning books and destroying rock and roll records were the norm. We originally posted this video because, unlike them, we are not afraid of terrorists, Al Qaeda, Talaban or suicide bombers. Those of you who came to see the unedited South Park episode 201, I must regretfully inform you that we have been forced by the pussies that be to take it down.

South park episode 201 megavideo