Jimmy swaggart music target
Jimmy swaggart music target

jimmy swaggart music target

However, you must consider that it was only a few short years after his tearful confession that he was once again caught in the company of a prostitute. If there was truly evidence of repentance in this man’s life I would not be bringing this up again. I was personally not aware until viewing this, that any video of Debra Murphrey even existed.

jimmy swaggart music target

This originally appeared on CNN and was a special piece done by Investigative Reporter Art Harris. But he doesn’t want to allow his own words to get outside his own cult where everyone agrees.The following video was brought to my attention by a former Jimmy Swaggart Ministries supporter. According to him, we non-Christians want the Bible gone. That should give you some idea of just how serious Swaggart and his kin are about the open flow of information. Within just a few hours, “Swaggart’s SonlifeTV has filed a copyright complaint.” And, of course, YouTube took it down because YouTube is evil that way. Right Wing Watch posted less than one and a half minutes of video from the show on their YouTube channel. If we should be worried about anyone sinning in their hearts - constrained only by law - it should be Christians.īut the story gets better. And the reason they weren’t burned at the stake was that England had made it illegal because the Christians were really getting out of hand in that regard. I might note that in Salem, the “witches” were hanged and not burned at the stake. Christians are being oppressed because unnamed people are only stopped from chopping their heads off by the law. Or I don’t have a big sword or otherwise am not able to do it.

jimmy swaggart music target

But Donnie Swaggart knows that Christians are oppressed because the only thing that is keeping me from chopping off the heads of Christians is that I know I can’t get away with it. And it is true that Christians in the United States are in no way oppressed. And it is true that there are no people that I know of running around specifically trying to murder Christians in this country. It is true that we have a Christian-centered culture where whining about being told “Happy Holidays” does not get you laughed out of polite society. And he followed that up by noting that the only difference between ISIS and these people is that “those here cannot chop our heads off.” According to Right Wing Watch, “Donnie Swaggart… hosted a panel discussion… dedicated to discussing the controversy that had erupted in Houston, Texas, after the mayor’s office subpoenaed sermons and other materials from a handful of pastors as part of a lawsuit anti-gay activists had filed in an effort to overturn a local antidiscrimination ordinance.” During the segment, Swaggart claimed that “They want the Bible gone” - referring to the minority that aren’t Christian and support non-discrimination. It comes to us via Jimmy Swaggart’s son Donnie. Given that they think this, it is hilarious that they simultaneously think that they are being oppressed when a clerk at Target wishes them “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” And today, we have another example.

jimmy swaggart music target

What’s more, modern Christians think what these early Christians did was noble. And modern day Christians think that they went to their deaths because the Romans just hated Christians. The fact remains, however, that they were Christians, they broke the law and got killed - like many other minority groups. Now, it turns out that they were not sent to the lions because they were Christians, but it is hard to find a Christian who will admit it. In the past, Christians were sent to the lions. I find it constantly fascinating to watch Christians in this 80% Christian country whine about how attacked they are.

Jimmy swaggart music target